  >  Trip 2023   >  Giant’s Causeway Coastal Walk

You can just drive to the Giant’s Causeway visitors centre and do the short 1km walk down to see the rock formations. But since the (very helpful) tourist board website recommended approaching the causeway via a coastal walk from Dunseverick, and we’ve turned into such ardent hikers on this trip, we opted for a ~7km hike instead. We have had so much stunning weather and scenery these last few weeks, that it’s almost become a bit ho-hum. This walk was beautiful, with each successive headland revealing another spectacular set of cliffs and bays. But the causeway rock formations are the real star of the show. They are most impressive up-close, and are great fun for climbing and exploring (in hindsight, the walk may have tired us out so that we gave the causeway itself slightly short shrift).

Our walk began at the crumbling remains of Dunseverick Castle
Looking back towards Ballycastle, early in the walk.
The coast is bright yellow with gorse — and fragrant too! The gorse bushes have a faint smell of coconut.
The columns of basalt are also visible in the cliffs leading up to the Causeway
Looking at the Giant’s Causeway from the cliff opposite.
The causeway up-close
A small boy explores the hexagons