Germany and Austria are perhaps not your first thought as a culinary destination. If you are a vegetarian, you should hew to that instinct — vegetables are rare, meat ubiquitous. But if you do find fleisch to be lecker, Bavaria and Carinthia have a lot to offer…
Tafelspitz (boiled beef) from a lovely lunch in Salzburg. This tastes a LOT better than it sounds – definitely one to try.
Schnitzels as big as your head
Aperol spritzes, almost as big as your head
A three-tier breakfast platter, laden with meat, cheese, and a few misplaced fruits and veggies
Fried goose liver with egg yolks and potato purée
Bosna (Austrian hot dogs) being cooked up at a hole-in-the-wall in Salzburg
Butcher is closed? No worries — you can buy your fleisch from the vending machine.
Bavarian schweinshaxe. Not sure what the salad is doing there. This was allegedly a portion for one, more reasonably sufficient for six.
Fleischnudel (meat dumplings), topped with sauerkraut and grammerln or crispy bacon bit (with all their lovely rendered fat). This was super, especially with the sauerkraut to cut the substantial fat content.
Fleischsalat — mayonnaise and chopped up ham. Ubiquitous in supermarkets, really pushing the definition of salad pretty far.