There is never any litter, but it’s very difficult to find a garbage can in public. Sometimes we carry our rubbish around for hours.
Shibuya Crossing. Mental.
Tokyo at night
CAD 285 per pound/GBP 380 per kilo of Kobe beef CAD 265/GBP 160 for two melons CAD 55/GBP 33 for two bunches of grapes We’re not sure which of the above is the most ridiculous.
Experiences we never expected to have: driving around Tokyo after dark in an old Mercedes convertible.
Do-it-yourself okonomiyaki (Japanese pancakes) in Asakusa.
Tokyoites often leave their bicycles unlocked. What locks they do use are so flimsy they would never deter any self-respecting North American thief.
Senso-Ji and surrounding market. Located in Asakusa, it is Tokyo’s oldest Buddhist temple. The two fellows on the right-hand side of the second-last row are statues of mischievous raccoon-dogs, in the small shrine built to appease them and stop them running rampant in the temple grounds. Such an approach may be of interest to folks in Toronto…
Breakfast tray.. Thanks Barbara!
Tokyo showing its sci-fi styling. I wish there were some jets of flame and flying cars to really pull things together.