  >  Trip 2013

Waterworld was a pretty crap film, lost loads of money, and became the watchword for incompetent studio failure. So what better choice around which to build a giant show/special effects spectacular? Flaming oil slicks, crashing seaplanes, jet skis and boats. All very corny, but, as Susan pointed out, almost certainly better than the film.

We spent two nights in LA on our way back home to help with both the jet lag and the temperature shock. Accordingly, we did appropriately quintessential American things, watching the (terrible) Super Bowl while eating beer and guacamole, and then spending a day at Universal Studios. The theme park was pretty good fun, helped immeasurably by being very empty on a chilly February Monday.

According to the instructions on the Cancer Council sunscreen bottle, each application of sunscreen on an adult should be about 35mL. And, of course, reapply after swimming, sweating, towelling, and extended sun exposure. So, that’s at least 3 applications per day for two adults = 210mL. So, we should be going through about a bottle of sunscreen per day on Aitutaki. We’re not quite up to that pace, but close…and we escaped without any serious sunburns.