  >  Trip 2023   >  The Glencoe Hidden Valley

The Glencoe Valley was the site of a massacre some 330 years ago. Some of the targets of the attack escaped to Coire Gabhail, or the “Hidden Valley,” which was, in those days, quite difficult to find. Nowadays, there is a large carpark and a constant stream of walkers heading up a well-marked trail that takes you scrambling up a steep climb, over rivers, and alongside waterfalls. We had a properly Scottish weather experience on the day we tackled the hike — rain, snow, and sunshine all in the space of a few hours.

Setting off in the rain and wind, using ropes to tackle the steep ascent.
A few small waterfalls dotted the trail.
The sun came out for us to enjoy a rest by the side of the river.
At the end of our climb, we find the Hidden Valley — a big bowl with snow-capped peaks still visible in the distance.
But as we set out for home, the weather turned again. If you look closely, you can see the snow falling.