  >  Trip 2023   >  Sidetrip: Port au Choix

Port au Choix is not the most breathtaking historic site you’ll ever see. It’s notable for three main things:

  • The ancient burial grounds of the Maritime Archaic people, some 4,000 year olds
  • Rare arctic plant species, some of which are found only here.
  • A large herd of caribou, offering the chance to see them up close.

As it happens, the artifacts from the burial grounds are all off-display pending ongoing discussions with indigenous stakeholders; the rare arctic species are nondescript and indistinguishable from gravel to our undiscerning eyes; and the caribou were nowhere to be found

So, not exactly thrill-a-minute! But since we’re in the neighbourhood and unlikely to be back any time soon, it’s still worth a stop and a walk.

The Limestone barrens don’t look like much, but the harsh conditions house rare plant species.
Decidedly un-rare crackerberries and sweet-smelling fir trees on the limestone barrens
Looking out over the ocean on the Dorset Trail at Port au Choix
Port au Choix lighthouse