  >  Trip 2023   >  Sidetrip: Ischia

Capri is the most famous island in the Bay of Naples, but we opted instead to take a day trip to the island of Ischia. It takes about an hour on a fast catamaran (definitely a feature for the small boys in the party)

Watching the ferry pull out of the port.

We picked a perfect day for a trip to the island — clear blue skies, brilliant sunshine, and the warmest day of the trip thus far, with temperatures climbing up over 15 degrees. That is still not quite swimming weather, and we didn’t think to bring togs. Foolish parents. The boys were not to be dissuaded from the beach. They befriended one of the local children as co-conspirator, and were soon wet, sandy, and bedraggled, but also having the best time.

Throwing rocks into the ocean. Later, this would progress into sand castle building, lack of common language notwithstanding.

After our time on the beach, a lunch in a sun-drenched café, and a stop for gelato, it was time to catch the boat home. In truth, much of the island is not open for business in February. But you could feel how delightful Ischia will be in April or May, and we were already plotting how we might spend a week exploring the castles and grottos and coves.

Castello Aragonese — not yet open for the season when we visited.
In the future trip of our imaginations, we will rent scooters and zip around the island, luxuriating in the food and beaches and spas. The children will not be with us.