  >  Trip 2023   >  Grey days in Edinburgh

After so many weeks in more rural parts of the country, being in Edinburgh was bound to be a bit of a shock to our systems, and so it has proven. It’s no fault of the city’s — it’s imposing and attractive, in many ways looking like a looming version of Bath. Add the fact that we’ve all been feeling less than 100%, and the weather has been resolutely Scottish, and it’s not really been a fair shake.

But, if our weather luck was going to run out, best that it happen in a city, where we can tour a castle, visit a museum, and duck into cafés and shops along the Royal Mile, in the (quite old) New Town, and in trendy Stockbridge (where we stayed).

The gatehouse of Edinburgh Castle
Looking out over the Old Town down the barrel of a cannon at Edinburgh Castle.
Castle Hill from Princes Street Gardens. Spring has sprung, but the Scottish weather is fighting back.
The National Museum of Scotland
The Waters of Leith, around the corner from our Stockbridge digs.
A bagpiper plays to the crowd in the Old Town