  >  Trip 2023   >  Midsommar in Skåne

We were so delighted to be invited to spend time with friends during Sweden’s annual midsummer holiday. It’s very much a rural festival, as city-dwellers escape to the countryside to celebrate the longest day of the year. So we, too, found ourselves in the Skåne countryside, near the south coast. For midsummer itself, we went to the most southernly point in Sweden to partake of traditional foods (salmon, potato salad, strawberries), and traditional singing and dancing around a maypole. Afterwards, there was a barbecue and games of Kubb and still more strawberries, deep into the long, Scandinavian evening. The days that followed were full of time outside — walking on clifftops, eating smoked fish on patios, lounging on white sand beaches, and swimming in the Baltic. An idyllic few days to cap our time in Sweden.

When at Sweden’s most southerly point, it is of course necessary to clamber on the rocks so as to get right out to the very shoreline…
Ales Stenar — a stone formation in the shape of a Viking Ship, and an ancient burial site.
Looking out over the cliffs at Hammars Backar, on the Swedish coast.
Wildflowers in full bloom on the path into a fishing village.
Skåne boasts beautiful white-sand beaches on the Baltic.
The area also boasts lush rolling farmland – we were lucky enough to stay on one such farm.