  >  Trip 2023   >  Halifax

Nearly seven months after we left home, we find ourselves back on Canadian soil — just some 1800 km east of where we started. Halifax is familiar territory for us, so it was a nice chance to catch up with old friends and do some low-key sightseeing, before we headed further north-east to Newfoundland.

The Halifax waterfront is a lovely place for a stroll, with lots to see along the way. We ended up at the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic had lots of boats and lots to learn about the Halifax Explosion. The next day, we took the ferry across to Dartmouth for a low-rent harbour tour, bundled in with some community Pride events. The boys were most in their element on our last day, as we visited the Halifax Citadel, with all of its marching and artillery and period dress.

The Maritime Museum of the Atlantic had displays on Titanic, the Halifax Explosion, and the two world wars.
Halifax Harbour, from the Dartmouth side.
Hanging out with an old friend at a Dartmouth Pride event.
Christ Church, the oldest church in Dartmouth
Firing of the noon gun at the Halifax Citadel
Surveying the parade ground drills at the Citadel.
A stunning sunset over the MacKay Bridge caps off a lovely summer’s day.