  >  Trip 2013   >  

Dr. Pal detected that the tribunal, commonly known as the Tokyo Trial, was none other than formalized vengeance sought with arrogance by the victorious Allied Powers upon a defeated Japan. He attested that the prosecution instigated by the Allies was replete with misconceptions of facts, being therefore groundless. Consequently, he submitted a voluminous separate opinion recommending that each and every one of the accused be found not guilty of each and every one of the charges in the indictment.
With, as the the concluding part of his judgement foresaw, the Allies’ craze for retaliation cooling down and the biased outlook on history being corrected, the insightful view presented by Dr. Pal has now gained recognition which it should deserve in the academic circle of international law.

From the English leaflet at the Monument of Dr. Pal at Yasukuni Shrine